Types of Loans

Undergraduate Loans


联邦直接贷款(FDL)是一项联邦财政援助计划,根据该计划,贷款资金可用于学生的教育费用. FDL provides low-interest loans, 本科和研究生每学期至少修满6个学分,并且是美国学生.S. citizens or permanent residents.

联邦政府对FDL的所有规定提供了全面的解释, terminology, and repayment on their Student Aid on the Web website. 点击页面左侧的“联邦学生援助计划”按钮,获取具体助学金和贷款的信息. The following information summarizes the basic FDL terms and conditions.

General Direct Loan Provision


补贴直接贷款资格是根据联邦需求分析方法确定的财务需求. When a student qualifies for a subsidized loan, 在学生入学期间,联邦政府代表学生支付利息,至少在一半时间的基础上,之后六个月(宽限期)。. 没有资格获得任何或全额补贴贷款的学生有资格获得无补贴直接贷款. Under the unsubsidized FDL Program, 学生在入学期间负责支付利息. There are two options available regarding these interest payments. Students may make monthly interest payments while enrolled, 或者学生可以同意在偿还时加上贷款本金的利息(这被称为资本化).

Direct loans have a 1% federal fee deducted at disbursement. 利率是固定利率,由联邦政府在每年的7月1日设定. For undergraduate students, the subsidized/unsubsidized interest rate is 6.53% for loans distributed on or after July 1, 2023, and before July 1, 2024. The unsubsidized interest rate for graduate students is 8.08%.

本科生受供养学生每年可借到以下限额. Annual FDL limits are: $5,500 (only $3,500 may be subsidized) for first year students, $6,500 (only $4,500 may be subsidized) for sophomores, and $7,500 (only $5,500 may be subsidized) for juniors and seniors.

独立本科学生或父母无法获得联邦直接PLUS贷款的受抚养学生可以借到以下年度FDL限额:9美元,500 for first year students (only $3,500 may be subsidized), $10,500 for sophomores (only $4,500 may be subsidized), and $12,500 for juniors and seniors (only $5,500 may be subsidized).

Graduate Students may borrow a maximum of $20,500 in unsubsidized loans.

在任何有补贴或无补贴的FDL组合中,学生的借款不得超过年度贷款限额. Also, 学生的年度FDL不得超过批准的联邦出勤费减去任何其他类型的经济援助.


Generally, 在学生休学六个月后开始偿还贷款本金,还款时间至少为一半. 标准还款期限可延长至十年,具体取决于借款总额. The minimum monthly payment is $50. Several other repayment plans are available as well.

Application Procedures

To receive a FDL, 学生必须每年提交联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)。, complete Entrance Counseling, and complete a FDL Master Promissory Note (MPN). Although the FAFSA must be completed for each academic year, 入学咨询和富戴劳MPN是一次性要求,必须在首次贷款前完成.

Entrance Counseling is a federal requirement for all FDL borrowers. 这种咨询将帮助学生了解富戴劳的条款和规定,以及他们作为借款人的权利和责任. The FDL MPN is designed to serve as a multi-year note, over a maximum ten-year period, and can be used to process a student's FDL in subsequent years. Therefore, 学生只需要完成一次入学咨询和FDL MPN就可以在在线赌博注册.

Complete FDL Entrance Counseling and/or MPN

You will need your Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) PIN to enter the website.

请注意:入学咨询和富戴劳MPN都必须在你的贷款被认证之前完成. 当您完成入学咨询后,在线赌博将以电子方式通知您.

联邦直接PLUS贷款是一项提供低息贷款的联邦教育贷款项目, 适用于受供养本科生的家长(家长PLUS贷款)和研究生(研究生PLUS贷款). 联邦直接PLUS贷款不是基于需求的贷款,也不是基于特定收入水平的贷款. 然而,借款人必须证明有令人满意的信用评级才能参与. The borrower and student must be U.S. citizens, permanent residents, 或符合条件的非公民,学生必须参加至少一半的时间(每学期六个学分)的学位授予计划.

联邦政府提供了所有联邦直接加贷款条款的全面解释, terminology, and repayment plans on their Student Aid on the Web website. 点击页面左侧的“联邦学生援助计划”按钮,获取具体助学金和贷款的信息. 以下信息概述了联邦直接PLUS贷款的基本条款和条件.

General Federal Direct PLUS Loan Provisions

PLUS贷款仅限于教育费用减去其他财政援助资源. Direct PLUS Loans distributed on or after July 1, 2024, and before July 1, 2025, have a fixed interest rate of 9.08%. 还本付息一般在全额支付后60天开始. 在学生在校期间,利息不会得到补贴,并将在第一次支付时开始累积. Federal regulations require 4.228%的联邦费用将在10月1日之后从贷款中扣除, 2020 and before October 1, 2025.

To participate, 借款人必须根据联邦指导方针和信用标准证明其信用评级令人满意. 申请人的信用状况是在收到PLUS贷款申请后确定的. Applicants determined to have an adverse credit history, 如果申请人获得信誉良好的背书人或成功上诉信贷决定,是否可以获得贷款.


PLUS贷款的还款期在全额支付年度贷款金额后60天开始. For example, 2024-25学年的贷款将在1月初偿还2025年春季学期的贷款时“全额支付”, making the first loan payment of principle and interest due in early March.

月供及还款期限将视乎借款金额而定. 每月最低还款额将至少为50美元,还款期限可能延长至10年.

在至少半学时(6个或更多学时)注册的毕业生PLUS贷款借款人可能会在注册期间获得延期偿还本金和利息, and for up to 6 months after leaving school.

家长PLUS借款人可以在其代表的本科学生在校期间以及学生毕业或低于半学期入学后的六个月内推迟支付本金和利息. 如果父母本人至少有一半时间在大学攻读学位,也可以推迟付款.

PLUS Application Procedures

To receive a PLUS Loan, 学生必须每年提交联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA). 借款人必须填写PLUS贷款主本票(PLUS MPN),借款人必须每年申请贷款, and demonstrate satisfactory credit.

尽管FAFSA和贷款申请必须在每个学年完成, the PLUS MPN needs to be completed only once. The PLUS MPN is designed to serve as a multi-year note, over a maximum ten-year period, 并可用于处理借款人在其后年份的PLUS贷款资格. Therefore, 借款人只需要在在线赌博注册期间完成一次PLUS MPN.

Loan Counseling Required for Graduate Students: 入学咨询是联邦政府对所有毕业生PLUS借款人的要求. 本次咨询会议将帮助研究生了解PLUS贷款的条款和规定,以及他们作为借款人的权利和责任. PLUS Entrance Counseling only needs to be completed once, prior to receiving the first Grad PLUS Loan.

  1. File the FAFSA.
  2. Complete the PLUS Loan MPN and/or Request a PLUS Loan. You will need your Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) PIN to enter the website.
  3. Complete the required Graduate Student PLUS Entrance Counseling. You will need your Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) PIN to enter the website.

请注意:入学咨询和PLUS贷款MPN都必须在你的贷款被认证之前完成. 此外,当您完成入学咨询时,在线赌博将以电子方式通知您.

Alumni Loan Program
Source: Alfred University
Awarded by: Alfred University


Undergraduate students enrolled full-time who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents may apply.


资格是基于财政需要,由学生财政援助办公室确定. Annual awards generally range from $500 to $2,000. 在学生停止注册为半日制学生后九个月开始偿还贷款加利息. The interest rate is 5%. Minimum monthly payment is $50.

How to Apply

Complete the FAFSA.

私人教育贷款是由私人贷款机构提供的非联邦贷款. 当需要额外的资源来支付家庭资源和其他形式的财政援助无法支付的教育费用时,一些家庭使用私人教育贷款. 这些贷款通常比联邦直接贷款计划更昂贵,只有在联邦贷款资格(直接和附加贷款)用尽时才可以使用. 以下条款和条件通常适用于大多数私人贷款项目,旨在帮助学生和家庭了解私人贷款. 学生和家庭应该经常咨询贷款人的具体条款和条件的贷款计划,他们正在考虑.

Please visit FASTChoice to start your search for a private education loan.

General Private Loan Provisions


The loan is in the student's name. However, for most loan programs, undergraduates will need a cosigner. 一些贷款在每月按时支付一定数量的款项后,有一个担保人的解除选择权, typically 24 to 48.

Eligibility Requirements

Applicant must be 18 years of age; a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen; enrolled at least half-time in a degree program; creditworthy or apply with a creditworthy cosigner.

Loan Amounts

学生可以借的最高金额是学校的出勤费减去其他经济援助. Lenders usually have a minimum loan amount of $500 or $1,000.

Interest Rate

私人贷款通常有可变利率,利率是基于一个指数,如伦敦银行间拆放款利率(LIBOR)或PRIME,再加上一个额外的百分比,这取决于申请人和担保人的信用评分. 例如,一个贷款项目的利率可能从Prime + 1%到Prime + 5%不等. 最高的信用评分将获得Prime + 1%,最低的信用评分将获得Prime + 5%.

Repayment Terms

根据借款金额的不同,还款期限通常长达15年或20年. Some loans allow a longer period. 还款方式一般包括立即偿还本金和利息, interest-only payments during enrollment, or deferred principal and interest payments during enrollment.

Private Loan Options-Information

For most private loan programs, students must annually complete an application for each academic year. The loan application may be completed online at the lender's website.

第一步是选择私人贷款,以满足家庭和学生的需要. To assist families with researching lenders, 在线赌博通过FASTChoice网站提供了一份贷款机构名单. Please note, 这份名单不包括所有的私人贷款机构,学生可以把目光投向这个群体之外. 它只是一份过去三年中非盟学生和家庭使用过的贷款机构的清单. 学生可以选择他们想要的任何私人贷款,并且没有义务使用此列表中的贷方. In addition, FASTChoice网站提供了良好的消费者信息,包括对贷款条款和条件的比较工具, helpful repayment calculators, as well as links to the online application(s).

在线赌博不认可或推荐任何特定贷款人的私人教育贷款. The terms and conditions for these loans vary, and families must research and decide which loan(s) best meet their needs.

Please visit FASTChoice to start your search for a private education loan.

Summer School
